Baby sleep problems have become a nightmare for many parents. Here are some of the most helpful baby sleep tips that will help parents to give an uninterrupted sleep to their babies.
• First of all help them learn day and night differentiation. Make them realize that night is for sleeping. Set a bedtime routine for babies. Wake them early in the morning so they feel sleepy at night.
• Increase daytime feeding for babies so that they don’t feel hungry during night sleep.
• Carry baby in your arms and allow them to relax. This kind of relaxation during the early evening hours will encourage an easy changeover to sleep at night.
• Don’t stop babies to have short time day naps. Of course make a balance but don’t believe the misconception that day sleep reduces night sleep.
• If in case baby awakes at night, don’t switch on harsh and bright lights. Open dim lights so that the baby still realizes that it is night, the time to sleep.
• Keep the baby bedroom dark, quiet and cool. Keep the room temperature moderate and don’t wrap the baby tightly in clothes.
• Don’t allow anyone to smoke near and around the baby or even the baby’s room. This makes the baby uncomfortable.
• Always make the baby sleep on his or her back and make sure that the crib is safe and perfect for the baby. It should not be too hard or too soft. It should be just enough comfortable for the baby to have a sound sleep.
• Keep one place for baby’s sleep so that the baby gets directly connected to that place. The baby gradually realizes that this place is for sleeping.
• Rocking and walking with your baby in your arms only settles down a crying baby. Remember this does not make the baby sleep and even if the baby sleeps, he or she will wake up when you put the baby to crib.
• Play soft lullabies to soothe and calm your baby’s sleep.
Most useful tips:
Set a routine. Repeat it every night around the same time. This may involve giving your baby a bath, changing him, having a story together and then settling him to sleep.
Same Place. Always try to put your baby down to sleep in the same place. This way your baby will associate that place with sleep time.
Work out a simple bedtime routine lullaby or message such as ‘'night night sleep tight'’. Repeat this every night and your baby will also learn this is another cue to sleep.
Make sure the sleeping area is dimly lit as bright lights and activity usually keeps babies awake.
If your baby wakes up, check if he / she needs a change of nappy or is your baby feeling too cold or hot.
If your baby wakes after she has settled, stay in the bedroom to soothe her back to sleep.
Play soft lullaby music to help soothe him off to sleep.
Rocking and walking with baby in your arms often settles a crying baby but remember.
Gently patting your baby may calm her to sleep.