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Friday, April 29, 2011

Baby Boy Finchlee, Brother to Wilhelmina, Calista, Zachariah, Theodore, and Philippa

Friday, April 29, 2011
Kate writes:
ACK! Swistle, I'm so hoping you can help! I'm due to have a C section in TWO DAYS (like, Friday!) and my husband I still have NO idea what to name the baby! We've had a hard time with our previous kids but NOTHING like this...
Our names are Katharine Fay and Jakob Russell. We go by Kate and Jake.Fay and Russell are both family names. (my mom and grandmas mns are both Fay, same for J and his dad and grandpa, that sort of thing). Surname is Finchlee, a combo of the last names we came into the marriage with (we were lucky they were so combine-able--Kate Finch/Jake Lee became Kate&Jake Finchlee).
Our other kids are:
Wilhelmina Fay --9
Calista Rose --9 ------< ID twins--we both loved their first names and Rose is his mother's name.
And they are called Willa and Calla. We think it's matchy but not too matchy and Calla can always go by Callie if she wants.
Zachariah Russell--6 <-----same thing w/ first name. He's Zak.
Theodore Scott--4 <-----Scott is my dad's name. We call him Ted because Theo is a Cosby.
Philippa Darcy--2 <-----Darcy is my baby sister's name and we are really close. Of course she's Pippa.

so Kate, Jake, Willa, Calla, Zak, Ted, Pippa. Oh and our dogs are Icarus and Olympus.

Anyway that gives you an idea of our style.

And first names--well, we are both pretty obsessive and we really like the pattern we have going. This is DEFINITELY our last child and we don't want to name him Aidan or something that just doesn't go with his brothers, who both have long formal names and short, kicky three letter NNs.
The trouble is we are having trouble finding a name...and then Jake's best friend was killed in a car accident last week and now Jake wants to use his name. His name was Lachlan. J suggested Maclachlan which gives us Mac. I like Mac a lot--to me it feels a little similar to Zak and Ted--except of course it rhymes with Zak when said outloud. We've considered Isaac for the first name, Isaac Lachlan, which gives us Ike--but again, so close to Zak, and even closer to Jake. We are sort of thinking of Nathaniel Lachlan/Nat but...well, we live in New England. Gnats can be a problem!

So that takes care of that. We don't want to repeat an initial, BTW.
Ugh. As you can see, we are really and truly stuck. Also, what do you think about naming the kid after Jake's friend? I THINK it's OK, but the other kids all have family MNs and I'm a bit worried. OTOH, we've covered everyone we wanted to cover, both parents, my sister--except Jake's brother, Jesse Nolan.

Oh and of course Max would be great, despite the common-ness of it we both like it a lot-- but my sister Darcy had a baby girl right before I found out I was pregnant and named her Maxine Katharine (after me, yay!) and we see Darcy and her family all the time as we live 15 mins from them. Having a Maxine and a Max is just too close, especially for cousins that are only about a year apart.

So--help! We kept thinking we'd come up with SOMETHING but so far...nothing. Nada. Not a thing.

(Oh--the other kids have suggestions, naturally, but they are currently along the lines of: Harry, Neville, Albus, Severus--guess which books the twins have been reading--or Wilbur and Orville, a current obsession--in desperation I asked Pippa yesterday and she said Egg. While it's certainly three letters it doesn't QUITE match our style!)

Name update! Darcy writes:
This is Darcy, Kate's baby sister. I am really pleased to announce that Kate had her baby yesterday. It's a beautiful baby boy named...wait for it...
K&J wanted me to send out a special thank you to Swistle and her baby naming commenters (commentators?) who gave her the Ferguson idea, they really liked it and it turns out to have been J's best friend's (who was recently killed) middle name but it hadn;t occurred to them. They are calling the baby Gus and he is absurdly cute. Mom, dad, baby, and big sibs are all doing great, even though the twins pushed for Albus Severus til the very last second!