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Monday, March 21, 2011

Baby Name to Consider: Story

Monday, March 21, 2011
Jennifer writes:
I'm not due til the end of April (the 22nd), but of course, I've been dreaming of baby names since high school. Husband and I can agree on our top 8 girls and boys names, but our top three out of that list are totally different! We have already agreed on Jean as the middle name, after my grandmother, and last name is Haide (pron: hide). I tend towards longer, feminine names that have options for cute nicknames, like Sophia and Penelope. His favorite is "Story". I like it, but I have concerns that it won't pass the "playground test". Also, no nicknames? (sigh) We've decided not to ask any family or friends for opinions, but I do want to get some objective feedback about "Story Jean Haide" as a name. What do you think? Thanks to you and your readers in advance!