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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Baby Boy Schmit, Brother to Isaac

Thursday, March 10, 2011
Cynthia writes:
After reading some of the other requests for help I find myself in the same boat as a lot of expectant mothers - my husband vetoes every name I suggest. I have literally read a book of 10,000 baby names front to back, having given him an entire page full on names of which he promptly crossed off every one except for Ivan and Oscar. We have a 3 1/2 year old son named Isaac Joseph, and this new baby boy will be our last. I know people often pair Isaiah with Isaac, but we both don't care for it. Ivan doesn't really appeal to me - it sounds a little harsh. Oscar is OK, but we're not in love with it. Our last name is Schmit. I seem to prefer simple names like Jack, but I can't have people saying that you don't know Jack Schmit. My husband vetoed Sean, Jude, Drew, and Shane, among others. Two syllables would also be ok, but nothing long like Jeremiah. We prefer names that aren't made up, too trendy, or with annoying unique spellings - he's already going to have to spell his last name for everyone who will insist on putting a "d" in Schmit. Unfortunately, I've had some anxiety and depression issues in this last trimester and don't want my child to be affected by what I've been through so maybe a name that lends itself to happiness, strength, and peace would be best.

I know this isn't much information to go off of, but any advise would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks so much for your consideration.

I suggest Ian. It's similar to your husband's chose of Ivan, and it's also simple, easy to spell and pronounce, and not trendy.

Name meanings are tricky: I have a big box of baby name books, and a name that means one thing in one book can mean something completely different in another book, and another thing still if I look it up online. But I will put a few I've heard of here, and maybe we can get input too from people with more expertise in meanings.

If you'd like the name to mean happiness, the name that comes to mind is Felix. I'm not sure that goes well with your surname, though: Felix Schmit is difficult for me to say.

Frederick is one of my current favorites, and it means "peaceful leader": strong and peaceful both. Jeffrey/Geoffrey/Jefferson mean "God's peace." Noah means comfort and peace. Aaron means strength, and it's neat how Isaac and Aaron both have a doubled A. Gideon means wise strength. Leo means lion, which connotes strength---and also wisdom and peace, for those of us who grew up reading the Narnia books.

I suggest Milo. It means strength/soldier (for its associations with the archangel Michael) but also mercy.