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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Baby Boy, Brother to Naomi

Thursday, March 10, 2011
Naomi's mom writes:
I'm hoping you might be able to help us out before the arrival of our son (due date: April 5).

Our daughter is named Naomi, a name we picked because it sounded equally fit for a cute little girl and a wise old woman. Also, we are Jewish, and we liked the way it spoke to our heritage without being obviously/exclusively Jewish. Now we are pregnant with a boy, and we're thinking of naming him Leo, which is another one of those names that could either belong on a cute little kid or a distinguished grandparent. My husband likes the way "Naomi & Leo" sound together, but I'm having doubts. First of all, even though I love our heritage and would like to represent it, the combination somehow feels TOO Jewish. Second of all, somehow when I hear them both together I just think of an elderly couple. Is this just an idiosyncrasy of mine, or will other people likely get this impression too? Other names we're considering are Theodore (but we'd call him Ted / Teddy), Dylan, and Sebastian. On it's own, I'm most drawn to Leo (love it, love it, love it), but as a sibling set with Naomi, I'm most drawn to Teddy or Dylan. What do you think?

(By the way, our son's middle name will most likely be James. Our daughter is Naomi Leigh.)

Thank you so much!

I LOVE the combination of Naomi and Leo. LOVE IT. It's my favorite of all of them. To me it's like "Emma and Max": a sibling set that sounds perfectly modern in an appealingly vintage way. Theodore and Sebastian are tied as my second choice. Dylan is by far my least favorite with Naomi: I think of Dylan as purely modern (no vintage feel) and a surname name, while Naomi is ancient and traditional.