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Monday, January 31, 2011

Baby Girl T (Rhymes with Kayla), Sister to Sebastien and Georgia

Monday, January 31, 2011
Elissa writes:
We would love you and your reader’s help. We have our third baby due in early March. We have a boy and a girl and have, with previous naming decisions and personal preferences, painted ourselves into a bit of a name corner (although of course my husband doesn’t think so) so we are calling on you, and your fabulous readers to give a little assistance.

This has turned into a bit of an essay so I have broken into subheadings, please feel free to edit unreservedly.

By way of background:

Our first born, a son, is Sebastien Gordon [Sebby] (French spelling in honor of French Godmother, middle name is my maiden name), our second born is a daughter, Georgia Grace [Gigi] (First name ending in “a” as per family heritage – Mediterranean, where female names always end in an “a”, middle name – loved it and wanted a G name to go with my maiden name). So after two children I thought I was done and really thought anyway, if we do have anymore that we would have a boy (3 generations of mine and husband’s family only has one girl in each family, no matter how many children), so I used all my favourite G names on Gigi’s big names (as she calls them) and then was really really shocked that we are having a second little Miss.

Added to this background is that it took us 6 days to name Gigi and Sebby after birth and this time we don’t have that luxury (birthing in a third country – need to get birth details, translations, passports and visas ready ASAP).


So basic rules are,

· First name ends in an A,

· Middle name begins with a G (Husband does not think that this is as necessary as I do),

· We like traditional names, but not really into names that are incredibly popular.

Complicating Factors:

First name preference is to not start it with S or G.

As first name ends with A and so does last name, first name we have to be really careful those two names don’t rhyme, this also cuts out all ending in an “a” middle names, like Gemma.

I really only like Gabrielle (Greer as a stretch) as a G middle name. I don’t like but have considered Genevieve, Gwen, Gwyneth, Gretchen

I am not into kre8tive spellings of names but will consider different spellings if there is a reason.

Further complicating Factors – which would be great to incorporate but probably too difficult:

Our children, from when they have been told, have been calling this baby Lulu. It has kinda stuck we have thought that it would be nice to try to have this as a possible nn for her first name, in this light we have thought of Tullulah, Louisa, Lucinda, Eloisa (this is very close to my name so is out). I have not really been struck by any of them.

Our list:

Our list includes the following, which I think gives an idea of our likes:


Annabella (with Greer- not Gabrielle)


Amelia/ Emilia?Amalia

Isla (Husband not really on board with this)



Helena (Husband not keen)

Amaya (out there for me- but I love the evocative meaning of “night rain”. However, with Georgia meaning “farmer”, and the meaning for Sebastien currently escaping me, I am not sure I should really focus too much on meanings when I haven’t in the past.)

I really like all the names on the above list but don’t feel any of them is “right” (perhaps because I am yet to see our little girl). All of them I go through phases of thinking is better than the other (currently my favourite on the list is Emelia, but that could change tomorrow).

So that is about it, please help as you can!

I'm not sure about the middle name. My feeling is that there is no reason at all to feel obligated to continue that theme after only two children, especially if you don't LIKE any more G names. On the other hand, if it's important to you I think it can be done. But...again, if you don't even LIKE any more G names...and there's no particular REASON to match a middle name initial...and we get so few chances in our lives to choose baby names...and if you already have a lot of other requirements you're trying to meet...AND it can't end in an A...well, then maybe this little detail could be dropped. It isn't as if the older children will say, "Guess mom and dad ran out of LOVE when they ran out of G NAMES, nyah nyah!"

Possible G names:


Lulu can still be the children's special nickname for her, even if it isn't part of her official name. Or, if you decide not to do a G middle name, her middle name could be Lou or Louise: adorable AND fun to say with the first name AND gives you the Lulu.

Possibilities (with Kayla as the stand-in for the surname):

Bianca Giselle Kayla; Sebastian, Georgia, and Bianca
Eva Louise Kayla; Sebastien, Georgia, and Eva
Evelina Louise Kayla; Sebastien, Georgia, and Evelina
Fiona Louise Kayla; Sebastien, Georgia, and Fiona
Liliana Louise Kayla; Sebastien, Georgia, and Liliana
Lydia Lou Kayla; Sebastien, Georgia, and Lydia
Minerva Louise Kayla; Sebastien, Georgia, and Minerva
Nora Lou Kayla; Sebastien, Georgia, and Nora
Philippa Louise Kayla; Sebastien, Georgia, and Philippa
Viviana Louise Kayla; Sebastien, Georgia, and Viviana
Willemina Louise Kayla; Sebastien, Georgia, and Willemina

Bianca is the only one I didn't use Lou/Louise with, because of the initials BLT.

I like how Liliana Louise and Lydia Lou give you repeating initials, as with Georgia Grace.

Philippa Louise probably wins for cutest nickname possibility: Pippa Lou. Well, or maybe Willemina with Willa Lou. Or Minerva with Minnie Lou. Well, Lou just makes a very cute middle name, especially with a shortened first name. And I love combinations like Sebby, Gigi, and Pippa.