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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Baby Boy Mikalik

Sunday, January 30, 2011
Anne writes:
My husband and I are expecting our first child March 4th. He is a boy and his middle name will be Davis in remembrance of my husband's mother, who's maiden name was Davis. Our last name is Mikalik, pronounced mick-uh-lick.

We could easily named quadruplets if we were having a girl, but boy names have us stumped!

I love the names Cowen, Eliot, and Wyatt. I also like some "m" names like Malachi, which doesn't sound very good with the last name.

My husband likes Hucksley and Aiden.

One name that we both like is Korbin, but we aren't totally sold.

We both want a name that is uncommon, but not too weird. I am not a fan of one syllable names.

Any suggestions?

Thank you so much!

Since you like Cowen/Cohen and Korbin, I wonder if you'd like Corwin or Callan or Camden?

If you'd like to avoid commonness, Aiden is out: combining only the three spellings in the Top 100 (Aiden with .76%, Aidan with .27%, and Ayden with .24%) gives us a name that outranks the number one boy name in the U.S. (Jacob, with 1%). And it seems even more common than it is, because of the rhyming names Brayden, Caiden, Hayden, Jaiden, etc.

The name Eamon has a similar sound, but it's not even in the Top 1000. Eamon Davis Mikalik.

If you do use Korbin, I recommend spelling it Corbin (unless, of course, you have a specific reason for spelling it with a K): a common technique for feminizing an androgynous name is changing a C to a K (Kamryn, Karsen).

Eliot and Wyatt make me think of Everett, but I'm not sure I like that tumbling rhythm: Everett Mikalik.

If your husband likes Hucksley/Huxley, I wonder if he'd like Hartley or Harris or Haskell or Hatcher.