Between burps, feedings, occasional spit up and grubby little hands that want to grab that banana and mash it through tiny fingers, finally wiping it in Daddy's hair, you may think your infant is going to go through much of the first two years wrapped in a vinyl tablecloth. Tradition however, refuses to let loving parents swaddle their darlings in yards of plastic, although that is the most practical thing to do. Instead, history has given us bibs. Terry cloth is traditional, being based on towels and therefore absorbent. Plastic bibs with action figures, little bears and butterflies are also popular.
Buy baby bibs by the dozen at the supermarket or drugstore, and save the special, handmade bibs for company occasions or public appearances. If you can, look for bibs that are brightly colored instead of the usual white ones; there's nothing that ruins a white bib like a spoonful of strained carrots! You're going to be doing a lot of laundry, so make it easy on yourself with plastic or vinyl bibs that can be wiped off, and darker colors that won't show the stains as easily.
Want to dress your baby for company, but still need to give her a meal? Redesign your child's look with a fresh, clean bib. Simply wipe the food off her face and hands with the clean spot on the feeding bib, then tie on a new one of Battenberg lace. Your baby will look brand new and ready for a party!
If your baby is still getting the hang of the bottle, every feeding will require a bib. If you or your partner have weak stomachs, use more bibs; it's not nearly as nasty to feed a baby when you start with a clean bib as it is when you try to be practical and use the one that's already been there half the morning. Keep the bib on until after you've done the burping, but also protect your shoulder with a nice, fluffy towel. Spitting up most often occurs during burping, and it's usually the burper who bears the brunt of it.
When your child starts teething, the need for bibs will increase. Babies drool when they teeth, and the drool can literally soak their clothing. Get the biggest, most absorbent bibs you can find and keep a ready supple not only in the baby's room but in the kitchen as well. You will find that if your baby looks (and smells) appealing, all sorts of people will want to hold him and play with him. This makes your life easier, as you'll often have volunteers to hold your infant while you put groceries away or start a load of laundry. Facilitate the impression that your little darling stays spic-and-span throughout the day by replacing bibs whenever a potential baby-holder appears. You can whip off a saliva-drenched bib, saving the clothing underneath and replace it with a new one as quickly as you can say, "Here's Grandpa!".