Fruits and Vegetables
In a study published in the journal Fertility and Sterility in 2009, said the number of healthy sperm is associated with the consumption of certain nutrients. Some of these nutrients can be found in fruits and vegetables. The researchers speculate that antioxidants may improve sperm quality.
According to a study in the American Journal of Epidemiology, omega-3 found in fish oil can help couples improve sperm quality. Research by the University of Illinois found that mice that converts alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) to DHA omega-3 seem to be more fertile. However, this research is still early to make recommendations about what your partner can take omega-3.
If you want children, do not give drinks to your spouse. A 2010 study in Denmark found an association between cola consumption and low sperm quality. The scientists also conducted a study of 2,554 people. According to research reports in the American Journal of Epidemiology, found that people who consume more than 10 cans of soda a week tend to have fewer sperm. [
Soy consumption in the long run, can reduce sperm count, according to a study published in the journal Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. Research carried out in male rats showed that soy is consumed every day can reduce 25 percent of normal sperm. The scientists also noted the changes in genes involved in motility of sperm in mice who consumed soy. The researchers speculate that soy isoflavones can decrease sperm quality.