What sleeping position doctor's
agree infants should avoid
Researchers have discovered that babies who are put to sleep on their stomachs tend to be the ones who die from SIDS, and so all baby experts recommend putting your child on his or her back for sleeping. Sometimes parents of older infants who are starting to roll over are terrified to see that their child has rolled over in the night and is now sleeping tummy down.
What to do if your baby shifts position during the night
When you notice your child has shifted position to the stomach, just roll the infant over to the back again. If it really troubles you, there are baby sleep positioners you can buy to keep your baby in one place, but they seem to be more for parents' comfort than for children's safety. To date, there is no sure-fire solution, although some believe that SIDS may be a form of infant apnea.
Baby sleeping on back - Right Baby sleeping on stomach - Wrong
Safe bedding, blankets and crib gear for infants
One of the things that you can control is your child's safe bedding. Bedding should not be too soft: it shouldn't rise up around or cuddle around the child. Although experts can't say for certain that soft bedding is the culprit, many SIDS victims have been discovered in soft, thick bedding, or with squishy toys that may be suffocating. If you do decide to buy a baby sack, pillow or wedge for the crib or cradle, make sure it isn't too soft and that your baby can't become entangled or covered by it. Make it a habit to see that your child is sleeping with any blanket, bag or bedding pulled down away from the face. A baby can sleep with a blanket, but it should be light enough to easily get out from under. Make sure that the rest of the caregivers who deal with your child know the importance of putting the baby to sleep on his back. Some grandparents aren't aware of this need: it wasn't that long ago when parents were advised to place their babies on the stomach for sleeping.
If your baby is too warm, hungry or wet, she may not want to sleep
If your child seems restless at night, it may be because the room is too warm or stuffy. Don't swaddle your child in layers for bed: a onesie or a little shirt and soft pants are fine. Babies don't need a super-warm room, either: keep the room temperature at something that would be comfortable for an adult—68°F will do. And if you have questions about putting your child down for sleep, you may find it simpler to get in the habit of rocking or feeding the baby in a face-up position so when it comes time to put him down in the crib, you don't have to change his position. There's no particular secret tip to putting a child down for sleep, slumber or snooze: individual infants have their own needs, and you'll learn your baby's preferences over time.
A baby monitor helps parents keeps an eye on your sleeping infant
A baby monitor can't prevent SIDS, but it can give you information about your baby's movements, and you can take a peek to make sure he's still on his stomach. Checking on the baby's breathing has never been easier than now: the high sound quality of modern baby monitors can bring the sound of your child's breathing into your room even in the middle of the night. The infrared light system used in today's monitors can help you keep an eye on your child even in the dark.