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Thursday, April 7, 2011

Baby Girl Lange

Thursday, April 7, 2011
Laura writes:
Hello, we are pregnant with our first baby, a girl, due in May. This will be our only child and we really need your help in selecting a fabulous name! My name begins with L and my husband's starts with J, our last name is Lange. We would prefer a 2 syllable name, since Lange is only one and because of the strong L in Lange, we do not like names ending in S, L or K-giving you a slange or klange sound. We also will not be giving the child a middle name (common in the UK-I don't have one either) s the name needs to be a good stand-alone name.
As with most people lately, we would love an interesting name that is not in the top 50 list, but yet is simple to spell and is easily recognizable. We have been leaning towards more classic, older names, but also have some more modern options in there too-we are a little lost!

Our favorites right now are Audrey and Elina. We have also considered Stella, Elsie, Evie and Olivia. We seem to like names starting with vowels, but are not limited to that.
I am British, and so a name popular in the UK, that is less common in the US is also a possibility. If we were having a boy our favorites were Callum, Cameron, Holden and Allistair.

We are hopeful that you and your readers can help us with some great suggestions.
Thank you!

I like all your choices. In the U.S., both Olivia and Audrey are in the Top 50: Audrey is just BARELY there and may dip back out, but Olivia is Top 10. Evie is difficult to rank because it's used as a nickname for other names (Genevieve, Eva), but I've been hearing it often on this blog which leads me to think (perhaps wrongly---lots of talk doesn't always mean lots of birth certificate action) that it's getting popular. Stella is climbing quickly and it's hard to say where it will land.

Other suggestions:

Genevieve (Evie)