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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Appliquéed Onesies

Thursday, April 14, 2011
I've been excited to share the results of this project for a while.  At the last baby sale I went to I picked up some plain onesies to play with.  Each of them cost me between 50c and 75c, so I wouldn't feel too bad if I screwed things up and had to throw one or two out.

There are so many great (and easy) ways to customize a onesie (more of those soon I think!).  It's fun to make 100% original clothing for the little one.

For this project I dug through my stash of I-Spy squares and pulled out some fabric bits that had cute images I wanted to use on them.  I also had a few iron on decals that I final got around to using.

Here is my first effort, using iron on decals I bought from etsy a long time ago:

Please excuse the awful lighting, I took these photos during the greyest week ever.

Here's a close up:

The next ones were made from fabric, so I had to iron on double sided fusible interface (the thin kind!), cut them down to size, iron them on, and then do the sewing.  I found using a sewing hoop makings it go a lot faster.  I might later put some one sided fusible interface on the inside of the onesie so that it's not all itchy on the baby's skin.

I know you can't see all the detail in the photo above, but seriously, who doesn't love onesies hanging on the line.  Totally warms my heart!

Here are some close ups:

I hope you can see / read these okay.  Feel free to click on each image to make it larger if necessary.

I love the last one, there is a bit of a story behind it.

I loved the mushrooms from a Michael Miller fabric.  I had them ironed on the onesie and was about to start sewing when I asked my husband, totally out of the blue, if he had a saying I could use on the onesie - sometime Pun-ny I suggested.  Without even skipping a beat, or taking a moment to think, he came up with the saying I used "My Papa's a Fungi".  It worked perfectly along with the big mushroom and little mushrooms I had chosen to put on the onesie.  It was the perfect, cute, catchy saying.  I still can't believe how quickly he came up with it.  That's why I love him so much (first of all because my request didn't seem odd to him at all, secondly because he was smart enough to have a response that didn't suck!) haha.

The hand sewing details in these onesie took a little bit of time, but I think its totally worth the effort.  All in all I spent about two nights working on these projects.  I think this would be a great way to make seasonal onesies, etc. to help any baby be stylish and stand out in a crowd.