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Saturday, March 12, 2011

Stocking Up at Baby Sales

Saturday, March 12, 2011
There has been a lot going on lately... What with home renos, knitting and sewing, and lots of growing-a-baby stuff.  I am having a hard time keeping up with posts!

Last weekend my sister came to town.  I took advantage for her love of shopping and off we went to a few local baby sales.  I live in a large-ish city, and these baby sales seem to happen pretty regularly through the spring, summer and fall.  Imagine a huge hall, filled with gently used toys, clothes and equipment, all at amazing prices.  It's heaven for an expecting mom, that's for sure.

The first sale we went to was the Ottawa Twins & More Spring Sale.

Here is a photo of the clothing madness:

It could be a little overwhelming, but my sister and I just got in there and dug through everything.

I came home with a bunch of great toys including this tiny love activity ball.  He is a sensory ball that vibrates and just looks really silly.  I laugh really hard every time I play with him.  I also found the Laugh and Learn Piggy Bank and Purse, in French nonetheless.  I was pretty excited about those finds.

We also brought home a boat load of clothing.  A good bit of the clothing in the pile below also came from the sale we went to the next day.  Pretty much everything was $1 per piece.  We got a lot of sleepers and onesies and some cute outfit pieces too.

The second sale was a community garage sale for moms.  Lots of moms in one place, selling stuff for very cheap.  We found lots of clothes and some great educational toys:

I love this alphabet set!  It was complete, which was a huge bonus!