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Thursday, February 3, 2011

First Trimester Pregnancy Journal: Week 12

Thursday, February 3, 2011
This week we told Alain's family, my boss, and had our 2nd ultrasound.  It was a busy week!  Unfortunately, we left our camera in Cambridge after Christmas, so we don't have any photos of us sharing the big news with Alain's family.  Everyone was very excited though, a few people even got a little teary. 

I have a couple nephews on Alain's side, and they were very interested in the pregnancy.  They kept touching my (little) belly and saying they could feel the baby in there.  They'd put there ear up to my belly and say they could hear the baby in there.  It was cute to see them so interested (they are 5 and 8 years old).

My boss was also very excited about the pregnancy.  It is so nice to have such a great support system available through this sort of experience.  I am very thankful for everyone.

I am also super happy that the baby is no longer a secret to anyone.  We even came out on facebook this week!

I already posted the 12 week ultrasound photo, but in case you missed it, here it is again:

Gosh I love that little guy / gal.

It was really nice to be able to see him / her again and see that he/she is growing and getting bigger.  Everything looks totally normal, so that is great too.

We got to hear (and record) the heartbeat was well.  My aunt who is a nurse swears it is a boy based on the heartbeat, I think it's a boy too, but we'll see in 8 weeks I guess.  I can't wait to find out, but for now I'm just happy that everything is going okay.