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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Baby Girl or Boy Hartung, Sibling to Samuel and Dixon

Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Bronwyn writes:
We just found out that we're expecting baby #3 - on Christmas, of all days! My husband has declared that this one better be a girl, because he's just about spent on boys' names.

Here's the scoop. Our first son is named Samuel Patrick, which is perfect, because when we found out he was a boy, we set up a hard and fast rule: no biblical kings or saints. See how well that worked out? Our second son is Dixon Louis, named for our beloved late grandmothers, Dixie (his) and Louise (mine). This was the perfect name, because it would have worked regardless of the baby's sex (Dixon was a surprise, so it helped to have a flexible name going in).

We are now stuck.
If it's a girl, we've considered names that are similar to mine, Bronwyn. My husband likes Sulwyn, but I'm not convinced the child wouldn't live the life of name-mangling torture I've endured. I like Carmela, but don't know how any of that would fit with our last name, Hartung. If it's a boy, we're just completely stumped. Maybe Gregory, for a cousin who died when he was young? Or is that bad juju? Maybe my maiden name, Ramey, could be a middle name for our next child.

My only sticking point is that I prefer names that aren't automatically turned into diminutive nicknames by people who don't care to get to know you first. Again, you can see how great I did on this one with SamPat :)

So. Plenty of time, but I wanted to be sure to get in queue. If we learn the sex, I'll update you.

Although I didn't want to find out, my husband did, and he let it slip that "you know what it is"... and I knew, in my heart of hearts, that this child is a girl.

So. Still stuck. I considered Lillian Reid (for a great aunt and my MIL's maiden name) but am still not convinced. I thought Liam Reid sounded fabulous for a boy, but could I name a girl Lyam?

Sorry to barge in again, but I also wanted to mention that I love my mother's middle name, Carmela, and keep coming back to Bryony, too.


Well, the latest candidates (and I still don't know the sex of the baby, but suspect it's a girl) are Carmela Snowden and Liam Reid. Carmela for my mom's middle name and my great grandmother's first name, and Liam because after a string of William Davids I wanted a nod to dad without YET ANOTHER William. Snowden and Reid are from my MIL's family.

Not sure how they sound with Hartung, though. It's hard to make anything sound good with that name.

By "string of William Davids" I mean my dad is WD III, his dad was Jr. (Bill) and HIS dad was ... something else. All I know is, they were both jerks and my dad is NOT a jerk, so I'd want to honor him but not them. If that makes any sense at all.


(And do you guys now love Bronwyn as much as I do?)

Okay! Work shirts on! Let's say Liam Reid if it's a boy, because that is a great name and because I think we all think the baby is a girl, right?

And not Lyam for a girl, because it looks like LYE-um instead of LEE-um. Lillian Reid is great. I love your current top choice of Carmela Snowden and don't feel like I can suggest better. It even has a nice balance of family names: your mom's MIDDLE name as the first name, but then a FAMILY name from your mother-in-law's side as the middle name.

But looking at all these fun names you have to choose from and to be inspired by, I feel like doing some playing and combining.


For a girl, do you like Willemina (or Wilhelmina) or Willa? Both would be nice ways to honor your dad. You could do something like Willemina Carmela and get both of your parents in one swoop! Or Willemina Snowden is wonderful, or Willemina Reid, or Willa Bryony, or Willa Ramey.

Wynne would be a pretty way to get a name "like Bronwyn" but without as much pronunciation trouble. Wynne Ramey Hartung, maybe, or Wynne Bryony Hartung.

Or Gwendolyn? Gwendolyn is so pretty and underused, and has nice nickname choices like Gwen, Gwennie, Lynnie. Gwendolyn Reid Hartung.

Rowan seems like a great possibility, but I don't like it with Hartung.

And would you enjoy having some seasonal names on hand, or do you dislike those? I love the idea of them, and Eve is a beautiful choice if your baby is born on Christmas Eve or New Year's Eve. I think it's great with your surname, too: Eve Hartung. Eve Snowden Hartung---ooo, I like it! Or Eve Ramey Hartung.

And of course there's Noelle and Natalie and Joy and Holly and Ivy. And when I was five I got a doll for Christmas and named her Jeanette Isabella.

Name update! Bronwyn writes:
Liam Reid was born at 11:13 pm on Saturday, December 18, 2010. He weighed 7 lb 2 oz, and was 21 in long. I believe my exact words were, as I held his slippery little body to my own, "oh my god, it's another one!" One tends to be rather candid in such situations :)